For more than seven decades, the Lord has used the ministry of Awana to reach kids, equip leaders and change the world. The unchanging truth of the Gospel drives the same vision we’ve held all these years to reach children in every corner of the globe as we walk boldly into the future and continue to be used by God to help change the world.
We encourage you to read this letter from Pastor Rory to AWANA parents:
Hello and welcome to AWANA at Calvary Chapel Prineville!
I am very excited to have AWANA as a ministry of this church. I have personally been very encouraged by this program as at AWANA I have watched my own children spurred on to diligent discipleship and evangelism. You may not know that AWANA is an acronym from the first letters of the phrase, "Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed." It is designed to very intentionally make followers of Jesus out of our children.
Whether they be the very tiniest person who doesn't know their right hand from their left, or the maturing pre-teen who is confident in their salvation in Jesus Christ and is able to be walking in the gifts and callings that God has placed on them as part of a local church, this is the place for your child to grow in knowing Jesus.
AWANA fits very well under the vision of our local body at Calvary Chapel. Our purpose statement states, "We exist to make disciples in our city and of all nations who are sent out to proclaim and embody the gospel of Jesus Christ to the glory of God." AWANA is just one of many regular gatherings at our church that has a purpose of doing just that. On Sunday morning we assemble to hear the regular teaching through the Bible, worship corporately, observe communion and encourage one another in fellowship. These Sunday Morning services have a living and vibrant children's ministry where our kiddos grow in relationship with Jesus with roots going down deep. Throughout the week there are various home groups filled with families who share meals together, worship, and discuss the most recent message from Sunday mornings. The week also sees men and women's "Core Groups" go through curriculum of various books of the Bible or topics where each group focuses on specific areas of growth. The first and third Saturdays at the church have an hour of corporate prayer and waiting on the Lord for our church, city, nation and world. As we grow as followers of Jesus, we are equipped to be sent out into our city and globe as witnesses of Jesus.
We would love to have you join us as part of the family of believers here at Calvary Chapel Prineville. A great place to start is to show up to a Sunday morning worship service. For more information about the activities of our church or how to get plugged in and involved, please check us out online, email us, send us a text or give us a call!
Pastor Rory
Awana exists to share the Gospel with kids. God is changing the lives of children and youth through the Awana ministry. We are passionate about the Awana commitment to proclaim the Gospel and to engage kids in lifelong discipleship.
Registration begins at 5:30 pm
The Gospel is presented throughout our time together in these three formats:
- Game Time: 30 min (Fun & interaction)
- Book Time: 30 min (Memorization of Bible Verses)
- Counsel Time: 30 min (Worship & Message)
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